Reiki is a Japanese technique which uses the natural potential already contained in a person, and by laying hands onto body, one activates energy that heals pain, tension, or unpleasant emotions. I use Reiki for myself, for my partner, my dog, family – everything. Most people feel a pleasant warmth which gives me safety, peace, and a pleasant sleep. Everybody gives in to it easily.
Life is a constant exchange of energy, so trees, plants, animals, and humans constantly exchange their energy with their surroundings. Person with more energy has a strong influence on situations and world around them, while others drag in their tiredness and inactivity. Reiki enables me to conduct more life energy through myself, which means more energy for renewal, health, better focus, progress.
Reiki is already familiar to all of us, because our first reaction in many situations is to touch. Touch is the way I transfer this wonderful energy to myself and to others – by laying hands.
Reiki is always by my side, so there is no need to bring pills or essential oils to my travels. I personally use it most for: PMS, exhaustion, fatigue, my dog's allergies, my husband's stress, toothache, headache... Reiki helps me to remember that blessings and prosperity lie in me, and that there is always something I can give, to myself, as well as to others.
It is important to stress that giving Reiki does not exhaust my personal energy, or do I draw other people's bad energies to myself – on the contrary, during the treatment I charge myself as well as others.
Reiki workshop teaches to make use of the potential you already have. You get instructions for later, exercises for home use, advice to your questions. This workshop involves a lot of working and learning together.
I will end with wise words of W. E. Gladstone, who said: "Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you won't have to hunt for happiness."