ODiagnose is a terrible word. It means you have something, and you do not want it! But there are different diagnoses: those you accept easily, and those where you need years to accept.
It took me 13 years to say, with no teas - I don't have children.
Diagnose: idiopathic infertility. For those being infertile this one is the worst since you (and your partner) are healthy but still nothing happens. After detailed medical examinations, in spite of everything you decide to reach your goal by persistence. And you start with all you can hear of!
First step is simple: better eating habits, introducing active lifestyle (sports) and maybe relaxing moments… cause your goal is worth of the struggle!
psychologist, different treatments (acupuncture, New German medicine, biotherapy..), coaching, astrologist… because maybe this one is your solution! You leave your intellect behind and proceed.
It is still hard to cope with diagnose, you are angry, cause some people around you are in worse condition than you: having fears, smoking, having just one ovary... but pregnancy happens to them! Why not me? What is wrong with me?
With each new pregnancy of your friends, sisters, colleague, you need more effort to stay in control and not to burst in tears. Even though you are happy for her, you are endlessly sad for yourself…
You digging deeper and constantly into yourself. What is other choice? Giving up - NO! I met women in hospital having 11 IVF fertility treatments. I couldn't decide if I am admiring her, or thinking something is wrong.
For my three treatments I got 140 injections. My doctor was great and kind, and beside being so supportive, in between treatments he gave me breaks, for my body to recover. I used herbal supplements to clean my body from overdose of hormones. No one knows how this will affect my health later?
This hard, frustrating fight lasts different from woman to woman. For me this was - 13 years. During that time, and working a lot on my personal development, I managed to accept that we can not have all! My life lecture is to accept what I have, to love my body being healthy (and with no kids), and use my skills (through mum energy) to support other women.
If you have an infertility idiopathic diagnose, I am here for you. None can promise results. But I can tell that I DO understand you, and I can promise you will feel better and be healthier through us working together.
There are so many nice things in life, so many things can be created… It is possible to be happy on many ways - even without children!
I agree, it is different and maybe it is (no) fair - but other options is to surrender to sadness, frustration, and at the end to disease. OR to enjoy in life and progress with smile on your face. I am sure you can again find your peace and joy
"Ako želiš promijeniti svoj život, nikad nije kasno početi raditi na sebi. Upravo tamo, u dubini, naći ćeš sve potrebno za zdravlje i dug život. Rado ću ti pomoći na tom putu".
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September 25, 2017
Od Najbolje sam dobila tijelo koje ima energije, glavu koja razmišlja o hrani, metabolizam koji je stabilan i redovit, recepte, znanje o zlom svijetu koji nas hrani kapitalizmom, a ne pravom pšenicom.
September 20, 2017
Zelena soba je moja čahura, moje mjesto za obnovu, odmor. Volim dolaziti jer Klara uvijek pokaže da mari i brine za svoje klijente.
September 11, 2017
Termin Klarine masaža ne propuštam! To je tretman za moje tijelo i duh.
August 20, 2017
Danas nakon treninga sam se opet izmjerila i izvagala. Znači, smršavila sam preko 3 kg. Oduševljena sam!