Croatians have many excuses for not doing exercise, and major one is - not having enough time.
Laura Vanderkam's presentation "How to gain control of your free time" on TED is a great explanation to many explanations people tend to repeat: "I have children, I work a lot, I travel a lot,.."
Please check this great TED on:
We create our life by choosing priorities. What are yours?
"Ako želiš promijeniti svoj život, nikad nije kasno početi raditi na sebi. Upravo tamo, u dubini, naći ćeš sve potrebno za zdravlje i dug život. Rado ću ti pomoći na tom putu".
See all Articles: KlaraDuring the time of IVF woman exhauste herself with questions, negative emotions, hopes [...]
Read MoreDo not compare your routine with others, but slowly introduce habits depending on your goals! [...]
Read MoreOnce I received diagnose infertility (idiopathic) I felt sadness, anger, disbelief...I had a strong [...]
Read MoreI wish someone have told more details about Intrauterine insemination (IUI), also that my [...]
Read MoreDiagnose is a terrible word. It means you have something, and you do not want it! [...]
Read MoreWe can affect many changes, but it is hard to influence on one - aging! [...]
Read MoreFor majority of people pregnancy is something that just happens. I hated comments of my colleagues [...]
Read MoreCroatians have many excuses for not doing exercise, and major one is - not having enough time. [...]
Read MoreA research showed that an average woman has app. 200 different products to pumper herself! [...]
Read MoreThe right questions to ask are: Why do you expect your family should support you in reaching our goals? [...]
Read MoreThe world turns its back to us, or it seems like that. Reality is different for all participants than and it [...]
Read MoreA few weeks ago I found this text and it caught my attention. Even though author is not signed, I want to share [...]
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Latest Comments
September 25, 2017
Od Najbolje sam dobila tijelo koje ima energije, glavu koja razmišlja o hrani, metabolizam koji je stabilan i redovit, recepte, znanje o zlom svijetu koji nas hrani kapitalizmom, a ne pravom pšenicom.
September 20, 2017
Zelena soba je moja čahura, moje mjesto za obnovu, odmor. Volim dolaziti jer Klara uvijek pokaže da mari i brine za svoje klijente.
September 11, 2017
Termin Klarine masaža ne propuštam! To je tretman za moje tijelo i duh.
August 20, 2017
Danas nakon treninga sam se opet izmjerila i izvagala. Znači, smršavila sam preko 3 kg. Oduševljena sam!